Year 8 News

Justin Chilver & Sam Hoffman | Year 8 Coordinators

We are well and truly into Term 2 now and the end of Semester 1 is just around the corner. A reminder to students to check in with all your classroom teachers on your progress and make sure you have submitted all work requirements and CATs.

Parents and guardians now is a great time to have conversations and ask how your child is progressing through Term 2. 


We encourage our Year 8 students to continue to work to the best of their ability and show respect to all students and all staff at the college. As the weather begins to cool down, a reminder to all about wearing the correct school uniform. A reminder was recently posted on the school's Facebook page and full uniform details can be found on the school website.


A reminder that Horsham College has a schoolTV subscription and is a great resource for all family members to use. It can also be found on the HC website.


General Reminders:

  • Please keep the Year 8 locker area tidy.
  • Ensure that you make it to all classes on time and come prepared. (Diary, device (charged and with charger) & subject-specific materials)
  • Please remind your parents to contact the school if you are going to be absent.
  • Please keep phones in your locker during school hours.
  • Respect the Year 8 toilets


To ensure that students can stay focused and on-task we encourage students to bring their water bottles to every class and make sure that they are filled during their recess and lunch breaks. Unfortunately drinks such as soft drinks or milk drinks purchased from the canteen are not allowed in the classroom, these must be finished in the yard. 


Have a great rest of semester 1 and keep up the great work!


Yr 8 Co-ordinators - Sam Hoffmann & Justin Chilver