Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

Term 2 is flying by quickly with many busy activities happening in and out of the class room. As assessments are introduced and completed, some students are beginning to feel the pressure and may be finding it difficult to keep track of what is required in each of their subjects. Parents and Guardians can support their student by asking a few questions at home or taking some time to help them sort through the work that comes home with them. Don’t forget to ask if they have written down assessments in their diaries! Please remind your child that it is OK to speak with their teacher during or after class about things they are finding difficult.


With the dreaded COVID being more prevalent this term, if your child is missing from school, please check SEQTA for any class work they may be able to be complete if feeling up to it from home. That way students may not fall too far behind.


Students looking for additional help are welcome to attend either the Maths and English assistance sessions on Wednesday at 3:30pm in M10.


Year 7 Camp!

Last week, 117 of our Yr 7 students attended our camp at Grampians Retreat in Dunkeld. This camp was a fantastic opportunity for our students to get out of the classroom and challenge themselves completing a number of activities that were unfamiliar or even a little bit daunting. Some of the activities completed included – The Giant Swing, Archery, Mountain Biking, Flying Fox, Low Ropes Course, Bush Art, Bushwalking, Orienteering and a Scavenger Hunt. 

Due to the numbers attending the camp students accommodation consisted of both cabins and tents. The students in the tents accommodation braved the element with a chilly 0 degrees overnight on the first night at camp, demonstrating excellent resilience!


We thank the staff at the Grampians Retreat who kept the students well fed and were fantastic hosts and incredibly welcoming to all of our students and staff. A huge thankyou also to the amazing Horsham College staff of Mrs McKenry, Mr Bruce, Mr Argall, Mr Hose, Ms Trezise, Ms Arnett, Ms Healey, Josh Beddison & Kate Lancaster who attended the camp. They were all definitely kept on their toes and were functioning on limited sleep!


A special big thankyou to Mrs McKenry for all of her tireless work and organisation in getting the camp organised for everyone.


Students are reminded that in the yard wrestling/play fighting will not be tolerated, as what often starts as ‘fun’, regularly ends up in tears or students getting hurt or injured. They are also reminded to keep their hands to themselves and their own belongings.

There has been some instances of students drawing images on their faces, legs etc with permanent markers. This is inappropriate here at Horsham College and we ask students to refrain from this type of behaviour. All students have been reminded of this and greater consequences will follow if this continues.

We are seeing an increase in the amount of students who are carrying their phone on them during the school day and in some cases using them. Students caught with their phone out during class or in the yard will be given an after school detention. Students are reminded that phones are required to remain in their lockers during the school day.

We would appreciate the support and assistance of parents with the above reminders.


Football & Netball

Yr 7 boys football and Yr 7 girls netball is coming up in week 6 of this term and will be held on Tuesday 30th May. Students need to keep an eye out via direct messages and daily notices for any information regarding trials and team selection.

Yr 7 Coordinators – Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose