Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien

Math’s Journal

Anyone who knows me knows that I get very animated about studying but studying Math in particular.  One of the many things that make students more academically successful at Mathematics is a Math’s Journal; a book that students use to record rules, formulas, explanations and examples of the Math’s work that we study.  This journal is a book that they can TAKE INTO EXAMS AND TESTS to reference, to help them solve problems.  Apologies for the increased volume there, but I sometimes become frustrated trying to explain to students that their journal is essentially a ‘cheat sheet’ that they are responsible for keeping up to date; to not do this is, just makes things harder for them when they are faced with a difficult assessment. 

Keeping your Math’s Journal up to date means listening and recording the things that your teacher advises to include in your journal, but also adding to your journal yourself.  Make sure that you understand what is in your journal.  Knowing the rules and formulas to follow makes any test/exam much easier to face and your chances of success will increase. 

For parents and guardians, I hope that you can take the opportunity to ask, “Is your Math’s Journal up to date?” and together we can continue to be positive about studying.


Bonita O’Brien

Student Academic Counsellor