International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

This term ICAS will be offered to Years 3-6 students.  ICAS are independent assessments based on curricula and students are asked to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of knowledge for each test. The following tests are being offered: English, Maths, Spelling Bee, Writing, Science and Digital Technology


For those who are interested in enrolling their child in any of these assessments, a code will be provided by the school in the coming weeks and parents will then need to enrol their child online.

Parent Volunteers - Covering of Library Books


Sacred Heart has received some new library books generously purchased by the Catholic Schools Office. The books have been entered into the library system however we require two parent volunteers to help contact the books. If you are able to assist with covering the books please contact the school. 

Your help is greatly appreciated.