From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents & Families,


As we wrap up Term 2, I reflect on the tremendous activities that occur every day at Windang PS. When I say every day, I mean those little actions that staff at Windang undertake to ensure the educational, social, and emotional needs of all children are met. From educating the young minds of tomorrow, to placing a band-aid on a child’s grazed knee. I would like to thank all staff for their commitment, dedication and professionalism throughout the first half of the year. To the students who have worked tirelessly throughout  the year; please enjoy the two week break and use this time as an opportunity to re-charge the batteries. To our wonderful families, thank you for all the assistance you provide to ensure that Windang PS is such a wonderful learning environment. 



Mrs Barkley has accepted a permanent Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction position and is now working at her new school. Mrs Barkley led and reinvigorated teaching and learning of reading at Windang PS in her short time with us. We wish Mrs Barkley enormous success with all her future career endeavours. 



A warm welcome to Mrs K Gillespie who will join our administration team full-time as the Library Administration Officer for Semester 2. Mrs Gillespie has been relieving 3 days per week in the office while Mrs T Carroll has been enjoying a well earned break. Welcome also to Mr A Hawken who joins the Learning & Support Team as School Learning Support Officer. Mr Hawken brings a wealth of knowledge, skills and experiences that will benefit our students and our school. Therefore, the School Learning Support Officers for Semester 2 will be Miss A Lombardi, Miss C Fawell and Mr A Hawken.


NAIDOC 2023 - For Our Elders

This year, National NAIDOC Week will be celebrated from Sunday, 2 July – Sunday, 9 July 2023.  As the event falls in our school holiday period, we acknowledged and gathered together as a community on Wednesday 28 June to celebrate the culture, history and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 


Our staff, students, parents and families were captivated by Uncle Richard and the Gumaraa Aboriginal Experience team in what was a truly memorable and authentic experience that included a smoking ceremony, Welcome to Country, didgeridoo and traditional dance. The students from K/1 sang "Care for Country" which was equally captivating.  Parents and families then joined their children in their classrooms for NAIDOC activities followed by morning tea. The day was definitely a highlight of the year with approx. 50 guest and we've already received wonderful community feedback.

 Semester One Student Reports

Student Reports will be sent home in a sealed envelope on Friday 30 June 2023. The semester one reports are a progress report.  Please look at the areas that your child can influence, like their effort.  A child that is working hard and attempting to do their best needs to be recognised for this.  Their academic result is important but rewards in terms of achievement often come after effort.  Also, if your child is gaining good results but their efforts are not outstanding, please encourage your child to achieve their personal best. 


Our Parent-Teacher interviews are scheduled for 

-Tuesday 1 August 3:10pm to 4:30pm (by appointment only)

-Tuesday 8 August 3:10pm to 4:30pm (by appointment only).

This will be an opportunity to discuss with your child's teacher their progress so far and what are your expectations for your child for Semester 2. 


Resource Hub for Parents

The Department of Education has an online parents and carers resource hub, providing access to wonderful tools and information, including learning and wellbeing resources, advice, study skills, and support for students with additional needs. Parents may find these resources helpful at this time of the year while reviewing student Semester 1 progress reports and after participating in our Parent Teacher interviews early next term. 

Please take some time to look into the resources which you may find helpful in supporting growth in your child’s education and development.


Have a wonderful and safe school holiday. 

Students return to school on Tuesday 18 July 2023.


Mrs Loreta Kocovska


Windang Public School