Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Geena N

For always showing kindness to others (Rick D3) 

Ruby G

For showing kindness to her peers (Holly D4)

Cooper R

For a wonderful job at measuring different objects around the classroom! (Hannah D5)

Charlie B

for showing persistence when working towards achieving his personal learning goals (Jessica M1)

Dakota N

For always setting herself up ready for learning. Well done! (Rebecca M2)

Raiden S

For displaying our school value of Kindness (Claire M3)

Sadie M

For being respectful of other peoples learning. well done, Sadie! (Miss Woodfield & Ms K M4)

Jett H

For doing a wonderful job of writing interesting facts (Amelia M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Annabelle P

For showing courage in the yard (Mrs Brown B1)

Finn J

For making positive choices and putting in his best effort to learn (Brooke B3)

Bonnie H

For showing kindness during group activities (Mr Loader B4)

Jaxson F

For working hard on his exposition writing piece (Lauren B5)

Braxton H

For working hard to improve the structure of your writing (Kyra & Emily P S1)

Airlie F

For representing the school so proudly in Cross Country (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Rylan M

For your positivity in the classroom everyday (Mr C S3)



Mila H D5

For learning to code with the Scratch Jnr app (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Neil C M2

For using our Lego WeDo system to make a moving satellite (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Toby D B5

For creating and coding with our Lego WeDo system (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Felix W S3

For enthusiastic participation in coding activities with the Hopscotch app (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Will M B4

For always having such a positive attitude in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Emily N B4

For being an amazing friend and class mate in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Evelyn M B5

for a very positive attitude in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Jayden F B4

For always coming to P.E. and trying his best (Katherine PE)

Jessie T B1

For a wonderful 'HAVE A GO' attitude in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Levi M S4

For demonstrating a strong understanding of beat and rhythm when using movement in Performing Arts (Mrs Polson)

Eli F S4

For demonstrating a strong understanding of beat and rhythm when using movement in Performing Arts (Mrs Polson)

Atticus M S4

For demonstrating a strong understanding of beat and rhythm when using movement in Performing Arts (Mrs Polson)

Jed G S4

For always attempting new challenges with a positive attitude in Performing Arts (Mrs Polson)