Assistant Principal Reports

College Tours
School tours are generally held most Monday and Friday mornings, during Term one and two, for prospective students and their parents, led by our Principal, Mrs Gail Major. I have had the pleasure of conducting some tours recently, on behalf of Mrs Major. To have the opportunity to showcase the myriad of learning that takes place as we journey through both Junior and Senior Schools, is truly impressive. These authentic classes highlight the high calibre of our teaching staff at Scoresby Secondary College; our students are engaged in their learning, being guided by our professional and dedicated staff.
Visible to me, on these tours, is the respect and positive behaviour of our students. Such behaviour is not only encouraged at school but learnt and reinforced in a positive home environment. This highlights the significance of the partnership that exists between our community; parents, students and the staff at Scoresby Secondary College.
Exams for students in Year 11 and Year 10 will begin on Tuesday 6 & Wednesday 7 June respectively.
The scheduled exams are designed to assess students’ learning over the course of the semester. Exams will be conducted in exam conditions, similar to the VCAA (Year 12) exams, to ensure students are prepared for these exams in the future. Our aim is for all students to build their confidence in sitting exams as well as develop the appropriate skills in preparation for exams, supporting and ensuring that they achieve their best.
Early Dismissal Friday 23 June
Students will be dismissed on Friday 23 June at 2:30pm.
Periods 1-4 will run as usual; however, period 5 will be shortened to accommodate the early dismissal.
Information Nights
Planning for 2023 has begun. To ensure parents are well informed we will be holding Information Nights early Term 3.
Please see the dates below:
Year 11 and 12 2024 (current Year 10 and Year 11 students) – Tuesday 18 July
Year 9 and 10 2024 (current Year 8 and Year 9 students) – Tuesday 25 July
Please be aware that subject selection forms will be due shortly after the information nights.
Good luck!
Mr Mark Corrie
Assistant Principal - Operations
Vet Music Performance
On Wednesday night I had the pleasure of attending the Year 7 and VET music performances. It was exciting to see the our Year 7 students presenting the skills they have gained through our Music Discovery Program. Their group playing guitars and drums and with the choir was a positive start to the evening . There are some fantastic new talents amongst our Year 7 students this year and it will be exciting to see them develop their skills through the expertise of our our performing arts team. The biggest highlight was seeing the journey of students through our music program when the Senior School students presented as part of their VCE assessments. The exceptional skills showcased across he bands and performances highlighted the diversity of instruments the students have learned and was rewarding to see. Senior School performances involved keyboard, brass, strings, voice and more. Already a number of students are performing professionally with Josh from Year 11 regularly performing in a band. His next performance is at Sooki Lounge on 11 June in a support act for
National Sorry Day
National Sorry Day is Friday 26 May 2023,. Sorry Day marks the anniversary of the tabling of the Bringing them Home report in the Australian Parliament in 1997. The report detailed the history of the forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, often referred to as the Stolen Generations, under laws enacted by Australian governments. Today a group of our students represented Scoresby Secondary College at a ceremony in support of our local indigenous community at the Knox Civic Centre.
National Reconciliation Week commences tomorrow 27 May. National Reconciliation week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The 2023 theme for this year is “Be a voice for generations”
Mr Ayman Youssef
Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning