Principal's Report

Halfway Point of Term
I hope all members of our community are doing well and are staying warm as the temperatures progressively drop in the lead up to the start of winter. As we approach the halfway point of term two, I am thrilled to report that we have had excellent progress with lots of learning and amazing programs taking place. Our dedicated teachers and staff have been working hard to provide the best possible educational experience for our students.
We strive to create innovative and engaging programs that challenge our students' minds and help them reach their full potential. I am looking forward to more exciting programs and learning opportunities in the coming weeks in the lead up to end of term assessments. Thank you for being a part of our college community, and let's continue to work together to provide our students with the best possible educational experience.
High Aspirations
“Believe you can and your halfway there” – Theodore Roosevelt
One of Scoresby Secondary College’s goals is to build student aspirations. For our students to have high aspirations, they must believe in themselves, be actively engaged in their learning and work, and see a purposeful connection between today’s efforts and tomorrow’s goals for their future.
We have been providing many opportunities for students to broaden their understanding and interest in the options available once they leave school. We want our students to be able to make informed choices on the subjects they will need to undertake once they enter Senior School and raise their aspirations. In the next month we have a range of presenters, further excursions, speakers, work experience and lots happening through careers and sub schools prior to Information Evenings and subject selections for 2024.
Childrens' University
The Children’s University is a fantastic program that celebrates and encourages child-led learning beyond the classroom. In partnership with Swinburne University, we are the first secondary school to be able to offer students in Years 7-11 an opportunity to participate. Next week Compass post will be sent out with a date of an information evening about the program.
Stay Well this Winter
Symptoms of influenza (flu) can hit very quickly and may last several weeks. Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and others from getting the flu.
Keeping our college community well
Parents, carers, and students are encouraged to practice prevention measures, including:
- washing and sanitising hands regularly
- avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- covering nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing
- staying home if unwell and consulting a general practitioner (GP) or Nurse-on-callas required
- staying up to date with flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
Flu Vaccinations
Flu vaccinations can be booked through GPs and pharmacies, many of which can also provide COVID-19 vaccinations. Flu vaccination is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and over.
Some people are more at risk of complications from flu and are eligible for free vaccination as part of the National Immunisation Program. Our staff have already had the opportunity be vaccinated!
COVID-19 Booster
The 2023 COVID-19 booster dose is available for everyone aged 18 and above.
Getting your booster dose remains the best way to prevent severe illness or hospitalisation, especially in people aged over 65 and those at higher risk of severe illness.
You can have your booster dose 6 months after your last dose or COVID infection.
Children aged between 5 and 17 years who are at risk of severe illness can also receive a 2023 booster dose.
You can get your next dose at your local pharmacy or GP. To find one near you, refer to the vaccine clinic finder.
For more information about preventing flu, and immunisation, refer to:
- · Better Health Channel influenza flu immunisation fact sheet
- · Getting vaccinated against influenza.
Thank You
Thank you to parents /carers for the messages and offers of assistance to clean up following the break in over the weekend. Unfortunately, the young people who scaled the fence and entered buildings in the early hours of the morning engaged in significant vandalism in our arts/technology wing.
I would like to acknowledge the mature way our students have responded to the incident and their concern. Scoresby Secondary College is lucky to have students who show genuine pride for their learning environment. Specialist cleaning commenced immediately and assessment of items that will need to be replaced underway. We are hoping rooms will be ready for full occupancy next week. Security footage has been handed over to police.
Monash and Deakin University Free Course for Parents and Carers
Focus on school refusal Researchers from Monash University and Deakin University are offering parents a FREE parenting program as part of a research trial, available now to parents of secondary school students.
About the parenting program: The program is designed to support parents of teenagers struggling with school attendance (often called ‘school refusal’) due to anxiety and/or depression. The program is self-guided and completed entirely online. The program is called Partners in Parenting – Education (‘PiP-Ed’). PiP-Ed is a new, updated version of the award winning, evidence-based parenting program ‘Partners in Parenting’. PiP-Ed provides parents with personalised and practical parenting strategies to respond to their teenager’s anxiety, depression, and school attendance difficulties, with the aim of improving their parenting confidence and supporting their teen’s mental health and education.
You can find out more information about the program on their website: Who is the program for? The program is designed for parents/guardians of teenagers aged 12 to 18 who:
- Have difficulty attending school due to anxiety, depression, or emotional distress
- Live in Australia
- Are proficient in English
- Have regular internet access.
- The program is not recommended as a sole source of support for young people experiencing ‘school refusal’.
We recommend parents seek professional support from a mental health and/or education professional alongside completing this program. Although any parent can take part, please also note that the program content is not tailored for parents of teenagers living with Autism Spectrum Disorder or an intellectual disability.
The PiP-Ed program is completely free. If parents complete the optional evaluation survey at the end of the program, they’ll be reimbursed with a $20 e-voucher to thank them for their time. Some parents may also be invited to complete an optional interview about their experience with the program, for which they will receive an additional $20 e-voucher. To sign up and access the program as a parent or professional, follow this link. This study is approved by the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (MUHREC; Project ID: 37577). Please note that Department of Education and other ethics committee approval has not been obtained, as the research itself does not require participation of schools. For more information on the program visit
College Contributions
We encourage all parents to please pay their voluntary Parent Contributions, payable through Compass so we are able to maintain the provision of materials for semester two elective programs at their current levels and other programs that are self-funded by our college such as additional wellbeing staff, before and after school extra-curricular programs, to name a few. Please don't hesitate to contact Mrs. Vicky Kamfonas if you require a payment plan.
Mrs Gail Major