Student Services 

Self-Care Tips

Here are some ways to prevent a build-up of stress and tension these include;

  • Practice relaxation techniques such as learning to take deep breaths. 
  • Eat regular healthy meals. 
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 
  • Exercise regularly. 
  • Take a warm shower or bath to calm and relax muscles and your mind. 
  • Talk about problems and worries with another person. 
  • Balance work and play. Make time for hobbies. These will relax your mind and are a good escape from worries. 
  • Organise your time. Make a to do list and prioritize daily tasks and allow ample time to get things done. 
  • Reward yourself with little things that you enjoy. 
  • Remember to make time for relationships with the important people in your life. 
  • Remember to laugh and smile! Laughter makes our muscles go limp and releases tension and pressure. When events seem overwhelming, try to keep a sense of humour. 
  • Take a look at the 50 ways to take a break picture attached, for some ideas on ways to relax and unwind.