
Profiling Sessions
We are busy preparing for our Year 9 students in readiness for their Morrisby Profiling sessions in Term 3. These sessions will be followed by interviews to unpack their results with experienced Career Practitioners. Parents, carers and students should keep their eyes peeled for communication regarding dates and further communication on Compass in the coming weeks.
Year 10 students are off on Work Experience the last week of Term 2, Monday 19 – Friday 23 June. If you haven’t organised a place yet please do so as soon as possible. Please complete the details in the work experience form and return to the Careers office. Students have been discussing their work experience choice at school and have been busy completing their safe@work modules ready for the week. We can’t wait to hear about their variety of experiences!
Some of our Vocational Major students were lucky enough to attend the Women’s in Trade Expo that was held at the Melbourne and Exhibition buildings. We all had a wonderful time, got lots of free merchandise, immersed ourselves in the activities and had the chance to talk to so many workplaces about opportunities for women in trades and hear some inspirational stories.
Mrs Tanya Molloy
Career and Pathways Coordinator