Spotlight On

Developing our Knowledge - Autism Spectrum Disorder 


The staff at Anson Street school love the opportunity to participate in regular professional development and learning. Ongoing learning is vital to ensure our practice is evidence based and adapted to include new findings from research.   

Autism Spectrum Disorder is an area of our practice that requires ongoing attention. Research continues to reveal further insights into this prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder.    

On the 13th of June, Anson Street staff joined to further their understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder with School Counsellor and Provisional Psychologist Rachael Lord. This workshop focused on building our understanding and challenging our assumptions of Autism though the examination of key researching findings.  

Areas of specific focus included: 

How is ASD diagnosed? 

The different levels of Autism. 

What are the possible co-occurring conditions with Autism? (There are many!) 

Why do presentations of Autism vary so much?  

Why is there a disproportionate number of boys with Autism compared to girls? 

What does this mean for parenting and teaching those with Autism?  


The following websites provide updated information on Autism Spectrum Disorder and are a wonderful resource for both parents, teachers and those with Autism Spectrum Disorder to access.