Inside the Classroom


Class 19 worked with Cathy Huggett to create an entry in the Waste2Art competition at the Orange City Library. Class 19 were excited and proud to see their “ Kindness is always in fashion” entry. Her artwork’s name was Amira. We have decided on the name, Amira as we want to reflect “Kindness” in our behaviour, our words and our actions. 

They had the opportunity to cast their vote for the most popular entry.

Class 19 went to the Ribbons, Rides and Ring Events and the History of the Dalton Brothers at the Orange Regional Museum, which fitted in with their Pop Culture Unit.

Campus students enjoyed cooking banana bread and Damper for Reconciliation week

 with special taste tester Boyd Griffen.



Most students attended the Dental Van to have their teeth assessed. 


Campus students have enjoyed sport this term and as a reward for their ongoing participation they will be heading to Central West Gymnastics to attempt the Ninja Warrior course during the final week of sport in term 2.

Julianne Hargraves and Rebecca Edwards

Campus Teachers


Primary students have all completed an artwork guided by Mrs Huggett, which is currently on display at the Orange Regional Art Gallery. The theme of the display was "I am me" and was coordinated by the SPARKE community and the art gallery. The exhibition will be on display until early August. Zeke and Myah were interviewed about the process of making their artwork and feature in the promotional video for this exhibition.

Class 12 have been working hard in class and enjoying lots of learning experiences in the classroom and around the school and community. 

Class 6 have enjoyed the spa, the retreat and pottery with Mr Windsor. They have also been out to the Adventure Playground.

Class 13 enjoy accessing Mini Woolies and the retreat. All students like to relax in the foot spa and filling up baskets with their shopping items. 

On one of their outings, Class 13 went to the airport and were lucky enough to see a plane taking off. 


Kari Priest

Assistant Principal

Stage 4

Class 14 have been studying area and perimeter in Mathematics. They have measured in square centimetres and metres and used trundle wheels to explore larger spaces. Students are now using formulas to calculate the area of rectangles and circles. Great work kids!

Stage 4 Beekeepers Inn Excursion 


As part of the Tech Mandatory - Agriculture subject, Stage 4 visited The Beekeepers Inn, Vittoria. Students were given a guided tour of the factory, had a close-up look at a beehive, tasted different varieties of honey, and observed products linked to bees. They will now use their newfound knowledge to design their own bee inspired product. Thanks to the Beekeepers Inn for being so helpful and accommodating. Students and staff had a brilliant day!

Cassie Lloyd

Assistant Principal

Stage 5

Did you know- The Amusu Theatre in Manildra is the longest continuously running Theatre in Australia?? Stage 5 learnt this fun fact and many more on our excursion to Manildra as part of our pop culture studies. We meandered through the museum amazed by all the amazing memorabilia from yesteryear. We even got a tour behind the scenes of the movie theatre. What a fun day!

This week our classes visited the Orange Regional Gallery to see the SPARKE project- I Am Me display. It was such a joy to see the creativity of our local primary school students, there was no way we could pick a favourite! Congratulations to our stage 5 campus crew on their outstanding entry of ‘Kindness is Always in Fashion’, in the Waste2Art competition at the Orange Library. 

As part of our Reconciliation Week celebrations, our classes entered the school Damper Bake off. There were some savoury twists on the day with class 7 making a cheese and bacon damper, and class 22 with a Mediterranean inspired damper.  We couldn’t beat the class 9 winners with a classic damper recipe. We would love to know the secret to such a delicious tasting damper!

Elke Cunial

Assistant Principal

Stage 6

We have had a very busy & engaging term in stage 6 with students visiting our Skills House and Mini-Woolies several times each week. Students assist in opening Mini-Woolies each week for classes to visit and purchase their pantry basics, stage 6 operate the registers, pack grocery orders and stock the shelves. Students have been practicing and improving their home zone skills by stripping and making the bed, completing laundry tasks and are now moving onto their office tasks to file, shred, laminate and organise documents.

Through out our reconciliation week celebration activities students enjoyed the Damper cook off challenge where classes had to prepare, cook and serve their delicious damper to be judged. Stage 6 made a cobb loaf damper, pesto damper and salted rosemary damper pull-apart. Our dampers were a hit with the judges and were delicious to share among our stage 6 friends. 

Class 1 students enjoyed creating aboriginal sand art to display in the classroom while watching the emotive film 'In my blood it runs'. 

Our school leaders have been running our school assemblies via zoom until our new MPC building is ready for us to use as a school. The school leaders have really excelled in speaking clearly while following a script to run our secondary assembly virtually. 

Last week students enjoyed having a zoom meeting with their previous class teacher Miss Gilchrist who is currently teaching in Canada. 

Year 12 students have been busy fundraising baking sweet treats, cookies and lemon butter to sell to staff to contribute towards their school gift, a new Thermomix! We all look forward to what they cook next! Year 12 are also fundraising to subsidise their year 12 jackets and shirts and to help go towards their graduation celebrations in December. 

Jess Hodder 

Stage 6 Assistant Principal