Science and Engineering Challenge

Giselle Elali, Jana Hassan and Hannah Jager

On Wednesday 17 May, both Year 9/10 STEM classes went to the University of Newcastle’s Science and Engineering Challenge at the University of Tasmania, where we faced different STEM challenges related to those of the real world. We were put into different groups for the day. In our groups, we were assigned other challenges, such as Grasping at Straws, where we had to make a hand out of straws, string, a stand, tape and paddle pop sticks, Electracity, where we had 10 different scenarios where we had to use different cables to supply electricity to different buildings in the most cost-efficient way possible. These are only a few of the many challenges that we participated in during the day. 

The day passed quickly with the Mount Carmel team joining in many different activities and interacting with other schools and students throughout the day. We came 5th overall out of 9 different schools. We participated in activities with different difficulty levels while also competing against the other schools. All of the activities were half-day activities (meaning that each team participated in 2 different activities during the day), except for the Bridge Challenge, where students had to create a bridge for a weighted vehicle to drive over without the bridge collapsing. We enjoyed how we were put in different teams and were able to make new friendships and connections with our peers, and how the challenges were set out for us to complete. At first, the challenges seemed a bit difficult, however, in teams we managed to push through each challenge and come to a resolution. 


Overall, we were faced with many new challenges that have broadened our perspectives in the STEM world, and have supported our endeavours in the subject. We thank the STEM teachers, Mr Herbert and Ms Hewitt, as well as Mr Clarke, for giving us the opportunity to participate in this challenge