Around the Primary Classes



Fruit Loop Counting

Kinders were allow to ‘eat’ their Maths this week!  Fruit Loops were being used to thread into sticks of dried spaghetti poked in playdough. Children had to sort the cereal into colours for each stick,  then count the most and the least, comparing ‘length’ at the same time.




Reconciliation Week

Kinders learnt that the Indigenous people lived on this land long before the white people arrived. When we did arrive there was lots of fighting because we didn’t know how to share the land fairly and some very unkind things happened to the Aboriginal people. Today we say SORRY for our actions. Kinders wrapped a tree in their yard in wool of Aboriginal colours. This reminds us that we can all happily share the same Earth. Each child traced and cut their hand shape and coloured in black, red and yellow. These live in a sand bucket in our class onto which ‘Our Acknowledgement to Country Prayer ‘ is attached.

Year 3

On Wednesday, Year 3 attended Matilda the Musical performed by the Fahan School. Year 3 were very grateful for the invitation and excited to travel to a different school to watch a performance. The Fahan students put on a wonderful show and the Year 3 students were captivated by the performances of Matilda, Mr & Mrs Wormwood, Miss Honey, Miss Trunchbull, and the supporting ensemble. Year 3 were particularly impressed by the song 'Naughty', as some students were familiar with this from the film adaptation. They also enjoyed the story, which was funny and engaging. Year 3 reflected on the messages of the story after the show, which were standing up for yourself and the power of your imagination. 

Primary JATNET Japanese Poster Competition 

Congratulations to every student who participated.  Some of the wonderful posters are on display in the Languages Notice Board. Isla Christie (Year 5) won first place in the Year 5-6 category.