Principal's Report

Dr Lisa Vinnicombe

Visit from Premier Andrews

One of the highlights so far this term was the unexpected appearance of the Victorian Premier, Mr Dan Andrews. He stayed for 45 minutes, during which time he toured the school, spoke with the VM students, some staff, and some year 12 students. We also had the local member, Kathleen Matthews-Ward visit and as always, she was a staunch advocate for JFC and our community. The Premier was very interested in hearing from the VM class and spent quite some time talking with them about their career aspirations and the features of the applied learning pedagogy. We look forward to the budget this week!


Sports - It's great to see students going out to represent the school in various sports. Participating in school events is what makes school worthwhile and enables students to get involved and get some sense of achievement. Well done to the students who have been out on sport days, and thanks to Mr Coskundag for organising the events.


Year 8 camp - Speaking of participation, the Year 8 camp is coming up and it is the last of the "free" camps, so we hope to see as many students as possible attending. Please be aware that some students may need to discuss their participation in the camp if we have any reservations about their attendance, behaviour, ability to follow instructions, and self -regulation, as this is an activity camp, so we expect exemplary behaviour from all students who attend! Please contact Mr Harry Lawless, Mr Taylor, or Mr Hakki, if you have any questions about year 8 camp.


New staff - This term, we welcomed Mr Aidan McLindon and Mr Andrew Green as full time teachers at JFC. Both of these teachers are highly experienced teachers and have settled in quickly to the college and made excellent relationships already with the staff and students. We are lucky to continue to attract high calibre teachers in a period of chronic staff shortages across the state. Teachers are attracted to our positive change philosophy, our relatively small size, and the friendliness of our staff and students. 


Social media - continues to cause some issues amongst students and this often happens outside of school hours and more often than it should, in the middle of the night. The surest way to ensure your child is not on social media through the night is to remove phones at bedtime! Please try to be proactive in this space and help us to develop positive habits in the students, of getting sleep, treating each other well, and using social media responsibly.


Student Free Day - Friday 9 June is a student free day. Staff will be engaged in professional learning for the day. Our focus will be on primary schools and transitioning to high school, so most of our teachers will be visiting local primary schools to try and understand how we can better support students as they come to secondary school.