by Ms Gorski

Religious Education Update


At St Agnes’, we teach Religious Education using an approach called, ‘Pedagogy of Encounter’. We seek to foster deep learning, creating learners who are inspired by the Gospel to act for justice and strive for the common good. Whenever possible, we link Religious Education to current social justice issues and students’ lives. 


Last week, our Foundation students participated in Prep Prayers in Pyjamas. During the evening we discussed different ways to pray with the children. We prayed, sang, read the parable of The Good Samaritan and reflected on how we can be like the Good Samaritan and help those in need.



Celebrating liturgies forms a basis for establishing a relationship with God. This is the reason why students at St Agnes’ participate in the Parish Masses. This term, our Years 3 and 4 students will celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and will reflect on Jesus’ unconditional love for humanity. The Years 5 and 6 students will participate in a Mass on National Sorry Day and will engage in prayer and reflection on this very important day. 


At the end of the term, each class will plan and participate in class liturgies. These are a great way of reflecting on what each class has learnt in Religious Education. Parents and carers will be invited to these liturgies, so please join your children if you can.


Our Social Justice Captains have been very busy planning a few upcoming events. Next week, they will spread awareness about National Reconciliation Week by designing and facilitating activities for all classes. The students will discuss the Catholic Social Teaching principles of  ‘Solidarity’ and ‘The Common Good’ and will reflect on their own roles and responsibilities in building a just community.


On the last day of term, the Social Justice Captains will plan the Shine the Light on Social Justice Day and help raise donations for the Winter Appeal. They will present a short presentation for the school and design activities for all students to help spread awareness about homelessness. To end the day, the whole school will participate in a paraliturgy.


Aggie Gorski

Religious Education Leader