Thank you 

To the entire school community, please accept my gratitude and thanks for your assistance, support and the way in which everyone came together to get through what was not the easiest of terms. We are determined to continue to provide as much wellbeing and educational support to our students whatever Term 4 brings to ensure everyone can navigate these turbulent times.


Each of the Key Learning Areas made modifications to curriculum so that it could be more readily accessed remotely by students, not an easy task for anyone and I want to thank the teachers for their ongoing work to make the required adjustments to do their best to keep students engaged.


Our students, whilst finding this remote learning period particularly challenging,  did a great job at staying the course. I also congratulate them for their resilience and engagement over this time. I extend my congratulations to those students who recently were acknowledged for their excellent work in Semester 1 at the Year Level Awards Assemblies.

As mentioned in my recent update, I will inform you as soon as I have official notification about the arrangements for Term 4.  Until then, I wish everyone a very safe and restful break. 

Packages for Year 12 students

Last week, a range of practice exams, checklists and study tips were sent to all students studying a Unit 3/4 subject. The printed copies made it easier for everyone rather than having to print them at home. 


The teachers will be guiding their students with the practice exams over the coming weeks in readiness for the VCAA examination period beginning. 

Significant Person's Day

Year 8

Our Year 8 Significant Person's Day usually involves parents/carers and significant people visiting onsite to view the work completed by the Year 8 students. It is a collaborative project that encourages students reflect on those people who are special to them. 


This year, the event was virtual, many of our talented students read their heartfelt and beautifully written stories to an audience of over 120 people, some were even read in French! 


Our Year 8 student leaders; Mackenzie, Astin, Taylah-Mae and Amber, did a stellar job with leading the event, my thanks to them and Assistant Principal, Melissa McMillan for organising such a wonderful afternoon of student presentations.

LHS Capital Works Program

Over the holidays you may see fences erected around the Junior School area along Melba Ave. This will signify the start of the refurbishment of the Junior School Hub. 


When this work is completed, we will have a Junior School area that has upgraded classrooms and a large inside deck area that will link the classrooms and provide an improved space for our students. 


In 2022, the Senior School Hub will be the focus of our school improvement with a refurbishment of the entire area and a new Library/Resource Centre Building.


Wendy Powson
