Welcome to Term 4

Level 5

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Welcome back to another fabulous term of learning. We begin this term learning from home, however we hope to be back in the classrooms shortly and continuing the wonderful program we have for Term Four.


Please take a few moments to read what learning we have planned for this exciting term. 


Kind Regards,

Ivana Krsteska, Bianca Liburti, Trish Singh, Kimberley Stevenson and David Joyce


During Term Four Social and Emotional Learning (YCDI), we are continuing to look at the results of the Student Perspective Survey to shape our learning and include student voice. We are working towards transitioning from ‘Learning from Home’ back in to the classroom, setting routines and expectations. Students will continue to explore emotional and mental health when interacting with others. We will focus on communication with teachers and classmates and how we can display personal skills and attributes as leaders at GWPS.



During this unit, students will reflect on their personal positive qualities and experiences that would make them a suitable candidate for a leadership position. They will apply this understanding of themselves to create formal writing that is ‘engaging, honest and speaks directly to an audience’.  Further to this, they will analyse inspirational historical speeches and past GWPS School Captain speeches to guide their own ideas and structures when creating their own. In Reading, students will perform a deep analysis of texts by using their understanding of the following CAFÉ strategies; - Determine the Authors Purpose- Use schema to connect with texts - Ask questions before, during and after reading. 



This term in Mathematics, students will continue building their ability to track their progress through the SURF strategies Menu. They will be learning about Patterns and Algebra with a significant focus on real-life transfer of learning. Students will be contextualising expressions and equations in order to understand the purpose of their use. They will make connections between the classroom learning and the world around them. Students will continue their use of pictorial and concrete strategies when learning about shapes through Cartesian Planes, Weight and Capacity.  



In Term Four Inquiry, students will be guided by the question “How do business and consumer choices about the use of chemicals in products impact the world around us?” They will investigate where chemicals exist, delving into the human body and investigating the periodic table. Students will also look into reversible and irreversible chemical reactions through investigation and experimentation. Following this, they will investigate what drives business and customer choices, the real-world impact of their decision making and how they can have a positive influence on world around them 



To support your child’s learning at home, you could encourage them to: 

  • Share a job/university application with your child and discuss;
  • the use of formal language to communicate your ideas 
  • what makes the author stand out in the application 
  • examples of how you connect personal traits with leadership qualities. 
  • Think flexibly about numbers by asking how they came to a number and is there another way? 



If you have any other queries or matters you would like to discuss with your teachers please don’t hesitate to organise a meeting.  Your child’s wellbeing is always at the centre of our thoughts and actions.


We thank you for your ongoing support and assistance. We are looking forward to a wonderful year.