Recreation News

Our Recreation Administrator spends many hours preparing fun and interesting activities for our boarders. Recently a group of boarders went possum hunting, this was lovely Friday night stroll up on Mount Clarence. Mrs Anne Robertson went along for this night-spotting activity. We thank Dr Bronte Van Helden, 2012 GSG Alumna for volunteering for this great Recreation activity, which we hope to offer again next term. Maybe this time we won’t scare the possums off with all our noise!


On cold weekends we offer many and varied activities from, the Boat Shed Markets to a trip to the Strawberry Farm for an ice-cream, exercise at the skate park or a visit to ALAC for roller skating and basketball. Sometimes a trip to IGA on York Street is all that our boarders want to do and sometimes its an elaborate Magical Mystery Tour followed by a milkshake or gelato along the main street of Albany.

Last weekend we encouraged all our boarders to watch their peers in their Grand Finals and we weren’t disappointed with the support they offered. It was great to see them either at the hockey or netball and keen to be part of everyone’s on field entertainment.


It was exciting to see the response from the Endeavour girls when offered the opportunity to support their fellow boarders at the Kingfisher Concert. The girls loved dressing up and being amazed by all the talent, from the tiny violinists to the Soul Band and the Pipe Band. This supportive community is the culture of GSG boarding we are working to develop. Ms Bromhead did try and convince all the girls to join the Pipe Band, playing the Red Hot Chilli Pipers on the way home in the bus, but they were not all convinced. Maybe you can ask them to play you some pipe band music over the holidays. 

The Eclipse boarders have enjoyed getting out and doing some canoeing as the weather has warmed up. Both Mr Rice and the boarders are looking forward to many more water activities with the warmer weather next term. 


Mrs Tara Ball | Head of Middle Boarding