School Leaders

Messages from the Office, Assistant Principal and Learning Specialists...

Grade Prep Enrolments 2022: Transition Starts This Week

Do you have a child starting school next year? Have you submitted the enrolment form to secure your child's place? 


This week we will be commencing our Prep Transition program. Students will be spending time getting to know the Prep teachers, meeting their new classmates and doing fun activities together in readiness for the new year. Parents will also be involved in Parent Information Sessions with our School Leaders to learn more about our School, our programs, communication and how to support their child (and family) for a successful transition to school. 


If you, or someone you know has a child of school age, please encourage them to contact Kirsty at the School Office on 9935 9399 or visit our website to download the enrolment forms so they don't miss out on this program. 

Student Planners and Return to School

Please access Compass for student planners and return to school information.

Masks for Students Grade 3-6 - DHS Mandate

To support the health and safety of students and staff, the Chief Health Officer of Victoria has introduced the following mandates which will apply from October 18 :

  • Face masks will now be mandatory for all school students in Grade 3 and above when indoors including at Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) programs unless a lawful exception applies. Face masks can be removed while outdoors at primary schools.
  • Face masks are strongly recommended for Prep to Grade 2 students.
  • For students with a disability, parents and carers should speak to the child’s doctor or regular health professional and with their school about the best methods to encourage mask wearing. Students and parents can also contact the Disability Liaison Officer program for more information.
  • Students with a medical condition that prevents mask use will not be required to wear a mask.
  • Face masks are required for students in Grade 3 to Grade 6 unless an exception applies. Exceptions include students with a physical or mental disability where their disability means it would not be suitable. Parent/carers of a student/s who meet the criteria for an exception must provide their approval in writing for their child/ren to not wear a mask to the school.

Information on the correct ways to wear a mask are available.


We appreciate your support in adhering to these health directives.

Support for Transitioning Back to School

The Australian Psychological Society have released an article to support families with the transition back to school:please click here


Topics include:

  • Reassurance that it is safe to go to school
  • Preparing for changes to usual school processes
  • Returning to school before siblings
  • Tips for children with cognitive/behavioural challenges
  • Re-establishing routines

COVID-19 Vaccination Directions for All Education Workers

The Victorian Chief Health Officer has issued directions for required vaccinations for education workers. These directions are specific to education workers and supersede those for other authorised workers.


All staff who work in schools will be required to have a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by 18 October 2021 or be able to produce evidence of a vaccination booking within that week. All staff are required to be fully vaccinated by 29 November 2021 unless a medical exception applies and will be required to show evidence of their vaccination status.


Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can the school force students who are not vaccinated to get vaccinated in order to attend school?


Answer: No. Students can choose if they want to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The more students who are vaccinated, the more protected our community and our school will be.


Question: Can the school force staff who are not vaccinated to get vaccinated?


Answer: The Victorian Chief Health Officer has determined that vaccination will be required for staff who work in schools. This includes principals, teachers, administration and education support staff, including casual relief teachers (CRTs) and pre-service teachers.


Our school has put in place a range of measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, including hand hygiene, masks, and physical distancing, where practicable.


Our Out of School Hours Care Team (OSHClub) has fully vaccinated status which can be evidenced in the PDF below for your reference. 

Thunderstorm Asthma

Grass pollen season brings a seasonal increase in asthma and hay fever. It also brings the chance of thunderstorm asthma. When a large number of people develop asthma symptoms over a short period of time, caused by high amounts of grass pollen and a certain type of thunderstorm, it is known as epidemic thunderstorm asthma.


Epidemic thunderstorm asthma events are thought to be triggered by a unique combination of high grass pollen levels and a certain type of thunderstorm. Grass pollen grains get swept up in the wind and carried for long distances; some can burst open and release tiny particles that are concentrated in the wind gusts that come just before a thunderstorm. These particles are small enough to be breathed deep into the lungs and can rapidly trigger asthma symptoms, making it difficult to breathe. This can become very severe, very quickly and many people may require medical help at the same time. Everyone in the community should also know the signs and symptoms of asthma, and know the 4 steps of asthma first aid so they know what to do if someone is having an asthma attack. 


Please follow this link for more information about Thunderstorm Asthma.