Term 4 update

Dear Parents and Students 


Term 4 starts tomorrow 4 October.  Zoom lessons will continue until further notice.  I hope you had a restful term break and that our students are ready to set some new goals and take on more new learning.


I know all our wonderful teachers are keen to see students back to face-to-face lessons much as students would like to return to Forte! We will be guided by further announcements by the State Premier and abide by public health advice as to when exactly we can return to face to face lessons this term.  Currently  we don't have enough information on the state reopening roadmap. We hope DHSS or Business Victoria will clarify some points regarding how we could return to face to face lessons safely.  Once everything is clarified, we will be able to make detailed plans to reopen for our return to face to face lessons. Tentatively, we are looking at a similar timeline as the reopening roadmap.