Celebration of


Stories from MG

 Principal for a week!

“Bing bong,” the announcement speakers clicked on and the principal started talking but he didn’t say his normal morning announcement speech, instead he said this, “ Hello everyone. I’m sorry to say this but today is my last day at school we are getting a new principal in one week. Until then a student will be principal! We pulled names from a hat and we are happy to announce that the student is Dug! Thank you.” 

I can’t believe it, I’m principal!

Before we continue the story, we must learn about the hero of this tale. My name is Dug, I’m 12 and as tall as a giraffe without a neck. I love sugary food but cake is my favourite. Time to continue the story…

I walk to the office and sit down at my new desk, then I decide to make some new school rules. I decide to make four new rules:b

  1. Every second session is free time,
  2. Every kid gets ice cream on Wednesdays,
  3. Every class will receive a fluffy puppy
  4. Free cake for the principal.

In only one hour all my rules were in place. 

Now it’s lunchtime and I have a cake to eat. I look around the canteen and I remember how disgusting the food in the canteen is,  So I tell the kids to, “Put down that lunch slop, because I’m swapping that slop with KFC!!” 

One hour later all the kids went nuts from all the junk food, ice cream and lollies… they started destroying the school! They were causing absolute mayhem!

The kids started doing crazy things; they started head-butting walls, running into stuff and even throwing water at the puppies. The students started turning the school into a pile of rubble and that’s when I did something I never thought I would do. I found all the kids and made a crazy offer. “If everyone is a good student for the rest of the week I will give all of you ALL of my cakes!”

Surprisingly all the students stay true to their word so I had to give up my cakes. 

Monday came and I had to have a little chat with the new (not me) principle. “ Hello Dug, I’m Mr Meen and I’m sorry to say, you are expelled for what you did to the students.” When I try to reply I am ushered off the school and locked out. 

I wonder which school I'll own next!

The End

Dug aka Harvey Langendorf


Arty Fun with Mrs Bingham

Perspective photography 

Space Themed

Super specialist day for PE

The hopscotches created and submitted for Super Specialist Friday last week were awesome! There were so many great hopscotches and I hope you had a great time creating and completing them.  Here are some of my favourites! Keep up the great work everybody. 

Miss Kerr