Mrs Harvey's 


Assistant Principal


Make sure you have your number of nights ready to go when you get back to school so we can move you up our reading nights wall! Congratulations to those who have already read for 200 nights – can’t wait to celebrate with you at the end of the term.


How awesome to see everyone back on site this week on their days. We can’t wait to have everyone back as of Monday and we will give you Tuesday to recover!!! A mammoth thank you to our families for your awesome work during Remote Learning. Time to put your feet up and leave it with our sensational teachers who are so happy to have everyone back on site!


How amazing to finally have our basketball/netball courts finished and ready to go for when everyone gets back. They look awesome with the bright blue surface and yellow and white lines. The kids are absolutely loving using them. So funny to watch the preps try and shoot a goal because, “they are so high Mrs Harvey,” and then get one in and get so excited!!!! Love the look on their faces. We do have some balls to share at school but if you bring one from home make sure it is labelled clearly with your child’s name.