Library & Resource Centre

Maryanne Gustus 

As we come to the end of another school Term that has found us living in “Topsy-Turvy Land”, (thankyou Enid Blyton), our thoughts during this time of Remote Learning have constantly been with our amazing Teachers and our Student Superstars. We also acknowledge the difficult and challenging role of Parents and Carers. Be proud of yourselves, all of you, for the fact that you continue to show up, engage, try your best…..and do it all with compassion, empathy and humour.


This is our beautiful MSC way…..”a spirit of family and a spirit of true friendship”.

We have learnt to simply take one day at a time during this Pandemic period.  We cannot know what is around the corner but with trust, faith and love existing in our everyday lives the journey to come need not be feared.

Go gently everyone, 

stay brave, kind and awkward.


Maryanne Gustus 
