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Welcome back to Term 4!

Hoping all families has a peaceful and relaxing break. 

It has been terrific to see everyone so keen to get back into learning this week 

and we are very hopeful to be all back together in our classroom soon!


During Literacy this week, we have started looking at using poetic language. 

We have been reading and listening to poems and using them to visualise what we think the author is telling us about. We have used our senses to come up with lots of WOW words, similes and onomatopoeia to describe things 

and have written our very own senses poems. 

We have been meeting to discuss reading strategies this week and have been reminded to make sure we are reading regularly at home - using books from home, school, the library or the wide variety of online books that we have access to 

such as Wushka, Storybox, Storyline Online, etc.



This week we have been learning all about probability - the chance of something happening. There are lots of words that we can use when talking about the chances of an event occurring.  We even used a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs sideways system to show in our online meeting what we think the chances are of different things happening - such as Miss Terri turning into a mermaid, Aidan travelling to the moon when he grows up, and it getting dark tonight. 

Things that WILL happen can be described as certain or definite.

If it WONT happen, we can say it is impossible 

If it MIGHT happen we can use words such as maybe, possibly or could.

Lots of lucky dip examples (and jelly beans) helped us work out that some things are MORE LIKELY or LESS LIKELY to occur compared to others. We also found out the flipping a coin only has 2 possible outcomes and we call that an even chance or 50/50.


This term we will be thinking lots about change.

The way everything changes as it grows - like plants, animals, as well as us. 

We will also be looking at ways that we can change 

our mindset, attitude and our actions, 

to help us become the best people we can be. 



Tomorrow is our first Wellbeing activity day for Term 4. 

It is all based on the theme 'Pirates'.

Feel free to come along to the morning meet in your best Pirate gear!
