
Welcome back to Term 4! 

I hope you all had a restful break and enjoyed the beautiful spring weather. It has been wonderful to see all the students back online and ready to learn! It will be very exciting to have all the students and teachers back at school. 


In literacy this week,  the students have been learning about poetic language and how poets use rich descriptive words to create a visualisation in the readers' minds. The students listened to verses in poems and then drew the images in their minds onto paper. These tasks have enabled the students to listen carefully to the WOW words and the additional detail added in each verse. We have been using WOW words, similes and onomatopoeia to describe our visualisations and transport our readers to that moment. 

The students have also started working on their sensory poems and using their five senses to describe a fruit or vegetable. During our reading groups, we have been focused on making inferences by looking at pictures. What clues can I see in the picture about a situation, and then use my prior knowledge to infer or understand what is happening in the scenario. It has been wonderful to engage in rich conversations about the pictures and discuss all the possibilities in that scenario. 


During Maths, we have been looking at probability - the chance or likelihood of something occurring. In addition, we have brainstormed and discussed the different words that can be used when talking about the chance of something happening. We have discussed different scenarios and the likelihood of things happening. These scenarios included what is the chance that Miss Melanie will cook dinner tonight; what is the probability it will rain tonight; what is the chance you will go on a walk this afternoon? While discussing these scenarios, the students described the chance of things happening using words such as certainly, maybe, unlikely and impossible. 

On Wednesday, we drew jars and put different amounts of jelly beans in each jar, and then predicted the chance of picking out a certain colour. 


This term in Inquiry and Education in Faith, 'Change' will be our focus. On Monday, the students reflected on the changes they need to make as they begin preparing for a new year level next year. As the term progresses, we will continue discussing how we can change our attitudes and behaviours. We will also be thinking of ways we can change our mindset to become more flexible and independent in our thinking and achieve positive outcomes in our learning, relationships with others and our connection with God.