Grade 3-6

Hello everyone and welcome back for Term 4!  We are excited to see the final term of 2021 roll around just in time for the beautiful Spring weather to grace us with its presence!


This term is an incredibly busy one for the older students, with graduation planning, preparing for grade six and leadership and moving to the next year of schooling.  We are incredibly thankful to see a return to onsite learning  for our Grade 3 to 6 students in late October, and we are certain that the students are counting down the days, as I’m sure all families are too!


This term we will see the students researching a topic that they are inspired by, and creating an in depth passion project to find out more about the topics.  We have some fantastic topics that have come up so far, Marvel, Halloween, bunny rabbits, far away countries, magic and even science and engineering just to name a few!  We can’t wait to see them receive their finishing touches when we return to school and we are also looking forward to them being presented to their peers and classmates.  Fantastic!


Please remember that we appreciate your support in continuing to assist students to be on time for online classes and all of the work that you do to assist at home.  There is not long to go, and we can continue to be successful if we continue to work together.  Keep it up everyone!