Junior School Notices

Assembly Awards
School Student Transport Scheme
School Student Transport Scheme site change
On 1 October 2021 the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) information and application portal was moved to transportnsw.info. This will assist families to find all their travel information in the one place. For more information see the attachment below.
Operation Christmas Child
As a result of Covid disruptions and restrictions we have been unable to both fundraise and complete many Boxes for this great charity to date.
We would appreciate support from the wider school community in order to send as many boxes as possible at the end of this month.
If you are able to assist you could do one of 2 things.
1. Collect a Box from one of the school receptions, fill it according to the suggested items listed on the brochure inside the Box. Add $10 for postage and return to one of the school receptions by Wednesday, 27th of October.
2. Make a donation via QKR towards the cost of the postage ($10 per box) or make a general donation towards the cost of items to complete other Boxes. The Boarders will happily assemble the Boxes.
Thank you for supporting this wonderful charity that continues to bring joy and hope to many even these difficult times.