From our Captains

Welcome back, everyone!

It has been a long time, but we are finally back and better than ever. As school captains, we know that staying at home has been hard but we hope you are all enjoying being back in the school environment. Let’s make the most of the time we’ve got left in this unusual year and continue to create more amazing memories with our friends and teachers.


We also interviewed some students about this year and what they thought about it :


Arlo, prep CH

  1. I learned how to play a super fun board game while we were at home
  2. Next year I want to learn more things in my new class!
  3. The worst thing about remote learning is that I couldn't go anywhere or see anybody
  4. The best thing was staying in my pyjamas all day, it was really comfy!

Noura, 1/2 DP

  1. At home I learned a lot of fractions in maths, it was fun!
  2. I am proud of my work and I think I did a good job
  3. I liked being able to spend time with my family 
  4. I didn't like spending time away from my friends

 Andy, 3/4 IM

  1. I improved on my division and learned about persuasive texts.
  2. I really liked eating anytime I wanted
  3. I didn't like having to see everyone online instead of face to face
  4. I played volleyball and badminton outside a lot

Mia, 5/6 LS

  1. I really didn't like not being able to see my friends in person
  2. I learned in remote learning that I'm smarter than I think and that I could get through this
  3. Next year I want to focus on getting good grades as I start secondary school
  4. I very much enjoyed being able to spend extra time with my family

From your school captains, 


Ryan & Anabelle