
P.E. Report

We are super excited to have all of our students and staff back on campus for onsite learning. Whilst it has been a challenging time for many, we can also be very thankful for all of the opportunities and lessons learnt during this time. The following words certainly come to mind when reflecting on Remote Learning. Improved communication, problem solving, collaboration, organisation, resilience and perseverance. 


The hard work and dedication of our students during this time has inspired the PE team and has become the focus for this year's Production. Oatlands Primary proudly presents……….


                                                                   OATLANDS UNITE

                                                                Together We Are One


Our Prep, Grade One and Grade Two students have started their dance rehearsals and they all look absolutely fantastic. We are always blown away by the enthusiasm, dedication and commitment to our dance unit of work.


Our Grade 3-6 students will begin their rehearsals towards the end of Week 5.

As we are all aware, this year’s production will look very different from previous years. We will be live streaming all dances and it will also be available for your viewing at a time of your own convenience.


All details are yet to be confirmed and this information will be distributed as soon as it is available. Parents will also be given sufficient notice in order to source outfits for their child’s performance. Class teachers will soon be in contact with more information in the coming week.


Thank you once again for your support with our production preparations. 

The P.E Team.