Grade Five
Grade 5 Newsletter Report
Term 4, 2020 - Week 4
How great is it to be back at school? The Grade 5 Team could not be more excited! Our students have transitioned incredibly well back to life in the classroom; we remain very impressed by their at-home learning efforts and how they have brought their positive attitude and willingness to learn back to their learning at school.
Our Term 4 Literacy sessions will continue to focus on our Writers Workshop [writing] and Signpost Strategies [reading], enabling and encouraging our students to both write and read with greater understanding. Spelling continues to be an integral part of our Literacy, where students use the SMART Spelling process to gain a greater understanding of how words work. Throughout the term, our students will practice their public speaking skills; writing short pieces and presenting them to their class. We will continue to challenge our students’ thinking; encouraging them to question what they do in order to understand, develop and build on their Literacy skills. It was great to see so many of our students take part in our recent Book Week Dress Up Day; they looked fantastic! The Grade 5 Team’s Fractured Fairytales theme was a lot of fun too!
In Maths we have focused on Statistics, where students have explored different ways to graphically represent data and analyse these. Students created their own Statistics investigation; developing a question, collecting data, drawing graphs and analysing the data collected. As the term continues, our students will explore Transformations, Angles, Location and Algebra. We will continue to focus on important Math skills through our Quick Maths questions at the beginning of each session, working on the four operations and also reinforcing their multiplication tables.
Our Term 4 Integrated unit is Connections, with our focus being on Leadership and the qualities leaders must have, along with the actions that lead them to success. It is important to recognise these qualities in light of our students heading into their final term as Grade 5 students and the year that lies ahead for them as Grade 6 students and future school leaders. Our students were very lucky to have had Leadership presentations from our school Principals and Mrs Gamble, who gave great insight into the qualities that all leaders possess and also the expectations of our future Grade 6 school leaders.
Our students have been very enthusiastic about their return to Specialist classes. We continue to be very thankful for the important skills our students learn during their classes and the effort our amazing Specialist Team put in to each and every lesson. We are very excited about the Dance Production that is coming our way in Phys Ed! It is also terrific to be able to cook in the Kitchen with Rose; the skills our students learn cannot be underestimated - the eating part is pretty good too!
We are looking forward to what lies ahead for the remainder of Term 4 and continuing to see our students grow into the wonderful Senior School Leaders that we know they will be.
“Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is to never stop questioning.” - Albert Einstein
Grade 5 Team