The Newman Program
Mrs Jo Ford | Newman Co-ordinator
The Newman Program
Mrs Jo Ford | Newman Co-ordinator
OLF Maths Olympiad 2020
Congratulations to all the students who participated in the intra-school competition. For 2020, the Olympiads became intra-school competitions in which an individual student’s performance was only measured against other students from within their own school.Please find photographs below from our school award ceremony.
Year 6 Newman Mathematics Students
(Awards- Cloe, Benjamin, Dara, Sophie.R & Matisse)
Year 5 Newman Mathematics
(Awards- Lachlan, Axel, Addison, Joseph & Felix)
Year 4 Newman Mathematics
(Awards- Ashley, Olivia, Thomas, Austin & Maya)
The Land Newspaper - Felix - Year 5 Newman English
Congratulations to Felix in Year 5. Littlescribe (online literacy platform) used by Newman English students selected two of Felix’s poems to be published in The Land. Felix’s poems were inspired by Kirli Saunders, a proud Gunai Woman and award-winning international writer of poetry, plays and picture books. Felix creatively used poetic forms to write about our land and culture.
Poem 1 The thunder booms above Darkness looms ahead Hooves clop on the cobbled road Will I make it? Rain pelts the ground Hail the size of bowling balls Water rushes behind me Will I make it? Lightning strikes the ground Trees go up in flames Wind rushing past my ears Will I make it? Houses ripped out of there stables Trees go flying My horse speeds up Will I Make it? Earth ripped up behind me Bodies flung like pebbles Pebbles fly as well Will I make it? Suddenly chaos leaves the world Pebbles sink into the ground Houses fall like leaves I made it | Poem 2 Bright orange leaves fall Glowing like fire Everything for this world That is my desire Splash splash splash As the pebbles skim The chances of keeping this world Are quite slim The glaciers melt The water rises Trees leave the earth For farmland in different sizes The world is slowly dying And lives are being lost The temperatures are rising That is the cost
GERRIC Summer Student Programs are on!
The GERRIC for Gifted Students program is offered to gifted and talented students (generally students who are capable of performing in the top 10% of their age-peers) in years 3-10 at Australian primary, middle or secondary school. This is a school holiday program that expands the minds of bright, inquisitive individuals looking for an intellectual challenge that is more demanding and more fun than they may sometimes experience at school.
The program runs for three days and gives students the opportunity to work on a small project.
Please find information for the courses that will be held from Tuesday 19 - Thursday 21 January, 2021 GERRIC Summer Courses.
Mrs Jo Ford
Newman Coordinator