Wellbeing Update






Access up to six sessions for you, your family, your young person or your child



Thanks to funding from the City of Kingston we are pleased to offer our counselling services FREE of charge to people working, living or caring for children attending a school, in the City of Kingston.

We know these are tough times for many families, loss of employment, loss of business income, stress and anxiety, loss of loved ones, remote learning and the return to school based learning has been challenging for many families and individuals.

In response to this need, we are offering up to six sessions with one of our qualified and experienced counsellors. The counselling can be for you, your family, your partner or your child.

To access this FREE service you or someone in your family must live, work or go to school in the City of Kingston.

To make an appointment call the Heartlinks of Family Life team on     8599 5488 or email us at heartlinks@familylife.com.au

Funding for these services is limited and once allocated there will be no further funding available.

Free Workshop

Parenting Anxious and Sensitive Children

Do you have a child who worries about the simplest of things? Do they get upset easily? Do they seem to have empathy beyond their young years? Are they concerned about the return to school or worried about being exposed to COVID-19? Maybe someone has even labelled them as "highly emotional" or "shy". Chances are you have a sensitive child. And you are not alone. Parenting an anxious or sensitive child is an immense responsibility.  

Our Parenting Anxious and Sensitive Children workshop aims to increase your capacity to support your child affected by anxiety, worry or stress. Over three weekly sessions, you will be guided through this solutions-based program and supported to address individual concerns effectively.

Thanks to funding from the City of Kingston we are offering a third series of this workshop - the first two were fully subscribed within two days. To access this FREE service you or someone in your family must live, work or go to school in the City of Kingston.

When: Wednesday January 13, 20 and 27, 2021

Time: From 10am to 12pm (AEDT)

How: Online via Zoom

Book online now

Building stronger families and supporting children to thrive

Heartlinks is a fee for service, social enterprise of Family Life, with a vision to create communities that are capable, resilient and safe through the provision of quality, family-focused therapeutic services, educational group workshops and trauma-informed professional development training. 

As a social enterprise of Family Life, Heartlinks is focused on creating shared value, and invests any surplus back into programs and services to transform the lives of children, young people and families in our community.

Heartlinks of Family Life is passionate about sharing our knowledge and expertise, supporting our vision of creating capable communities by building stronger families and supporting children to thrive.

Want to know more about Heartlinks and our services? 

Visit our website via the link below, call us on (03) 8599 5488 or send us an email at heartlinks@familylife.com.au