SEPEP Flag Gridiron

Currently in Year 9 PDHPE, students are participating in a SEPEP unit. In this unit, students are put into teams and each student is given a specific role (coach, captain, event manager, referee or statistician). The unit runs for 5 weeks and students design and facilitate their own training sessions, and they create their own tactical plays. Then students compete in a Finals competition where they hope to be crowned ‘the best team’. The following article was written by Bill Bao in 9PDHPE.8 and is an analysis of his team’s participation in the Finals competition. 


Team Analysis for the Bobcats

by Bill Bao


The team ‘Bill Bao Bobcats’ is a team including David (coach), Angelina (Captain), Aileen (Event coordinator), Asger, Patty (Offensive/defensive coach), Felicity (ref) and Bill (statistician). It is a team with high expectations and strong resolute. 


At the start of this program, many team members had not been involved frequently in the sports of NFL or any sports relating to rugby. The team has multiple players missing the basics of catching, throwing the ball and multiple statistics and skills. However, the team had quickly got used to its coordination and basic skills and mindsets, which resulted in the second place along with the twisters.


First game: Bobcat vs Untouchable. Winner: Bobcat

6:0  scorer - Angelina, run-through

This game was played fairly, with both teams making consistent efforts. Angelina had a lucky run midway through the game, which locked the points into 6 to 0. 

Star player: Angelina 


Second game: Bobcat vs Twisters. Winner: Twisters

0:6 scorer Joseph - Speedy run that out-played all contestants 


This game was a really lucky game for the Twisters, as they receive a really lucky run 1 minute into the game. Both teams lost golden opportunity after the point, ending the game with 0 to 6. 

Star player: Joseph 


Third game: Bobcat vs Smackdowns. winner: Bobcat

12:0 scorers: David, Asger: epic catch and speedy secure


This game was unexpectedly going to Bobcat’s side, as Henry lost a golden opportunity of catching and scoring. When David accelerated into crowds, reaching for the perfect pass from Asger (shown in video). Asger also scored another 6 points by acquiring the ball at the end with an across-the-field run. 

Star player: Asger (multiple good passes, opportunity finder)  


In conclusion, team Bill Bao Bobcat was a team that improved with extreme speed. Everyone had improved tremendously during this process, where they had beaten the incredibly gloated team: Smackdowns. Aileen had made important snatches, Patrick had made fantastic intercepts, Asger had made calculated throws, David had made incredible catches and runs, Angelina had made speedy plays while I had made multiple good runs through the defence. The team is well cooperated and was coming together all along, working like a well-organised group.


Overall the most important player would be: Asger Balle 

The untouchable player would be: Bill Bao

The best play made: David (Bong)

The most speed player: Angelina

The most improved player: Aileen

The most non-biased ref: Felicity