Students of the Week

56A - Zac H - For being a great Eastie PAL in the yard and in the classroom. Well done Zac! 

56B- Kiannah V - For always interacting with students and staff with respect both inside and outside of the classroom. Well done Kiannah, keep it up!

56C -  Xavier I - For choosing to participate in a maths strategy group for his own benefit and having a positive attitude towards this learning opportunity! Well done!

56D- Hannah T- Showing respect and being a great Eastie by always following the rules in and out of the classroom. 

34A - Maya P - For her insight into a day in the life of a convict. 

34B - Kaleb F- For his excellent perseverance in his Maths testing this week.  

34C - Morgan S - For showing wonderful perseverance during testing this week. Well done Morgy!

34D - Ellison K- For working hard, staying focussed and showing respect in a really busy week. Great work Ellie! 

12A- Harry H - For his fantastic enthusiasm and participation in all our dinosaur discussions this term. Thanks for being our expert!

12B - Jorja-Lee F - Accepting challenges and persevering with maths tasks to further her learning.

12C- Victoria I - For trying hard in all areas of her learning.

12D- Riley B - for being a kind and well mannered member of 1/2D.

00A- Paisley K - For being resilient by taking on every challenge given to her. 

00B- Sienna W - For being resilient and brave coming into the classroom with a positive attitude. 


56A- Mungie K - For his positive attitude and eagerness to learn during our maths strategy group sessions. Super job Mungie! 

34A- Madden V - for his resilience in the Aim On Demand test. He had  a never give up attitude that was commendable.

12A Indy T - For her consistently positive attitude, effort and team work in Maths. Little star!

00B- Anna F - For her huge effort in counting showing that she can count above 100 by 1s and 10s. 


56A- Ayden F - For using similes and metaphors in his creative writing. Great job Ayden!

34A - Hunter T - For his work ethic in the classroom in all of his literacy tasks. 

12A Charli S - Your extra effort in Literacy this term is really paying off, Charli. Keep up the great work!

00B- Skylar D- For putting in lots of effort in her writing tasks and writing a beautiful letter to the Postman. 


Well done and congratulations to our NAIDOC colouring contest winners!


Level 4 - Munyari J

Level 3 - Blake R

Level 2 - Yagan J

Level 1 - Lucy M