A message from Mr Tapp 

Current Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,


The last two weeks have absolutely flown by; students are getting back into routine and there is a lot of teaching, learning and assessment happening in classrooms. From next week we will only be staffing the front gates before and after school. Students will continue to use the back gates as per the previous COVID staggered start/finish time notices. Students will sanitise their hands upon entering the classroom, rather than at the gate.  I would like to thank all of our parents for their support in adhering to the continued guidelines about not coming onto the school grounds. 


Term 4 is a very exciting time at Somerville Primary School. The teachers have been working very hard to provide lots of additional opportunities in the classroom that we could not provide during remote learning. 

Today we have Somers Camp running an ‘in school’ camp experience for our Middle students and tomorrow they will be running the program for our Senior students. 

Whilst this does not replace the full normal camp program; the Somers Camp staff, have created a full day program with camp cooking, team building and a camp fire.  All the students have enjoyed the experience so far. 



The Grade 6 Graduation plan has been announced and all staff and students are looking forward to sharing their Graduation with our families at the Dromana Drive In. I am sure this will be a phenomenal opportunity and a first for our school. 




We have received a lot of positive feedback regarding the parent payment policy and stationary packs. Please remember, to send back the form so we know how many packs we need to order.





Our Parent Opinion Survey is still open for all families, Please follow the link here to share your feedback.


If you would like to complete the parent request form for 2021 class placements, please download it from our website and send it to the school email account. 

Please note, only requests submitted on this form will be considered.



As a school our number one priority is providing a safe learning environment for your children. It is disappointing that again we need to raise the issue of graffiti and vandalism at SPS. Over the last 2 months, there has been a significant increase in both graffiti and vandalism, committed by people outside of our school community. 

If you see people who are smashing bottles, drinking on school grounds, ‘tagging’, breaking and damaging school property or engaging in any anti-social behavior; please ring Hasting Police or 000. We really appreciate how well our wonderful community supports the school with this matter.


This term we have received some lovely community feedback and many past students and families have contacted the school regarding our 135 year celebration. Due to the current COVID restrictions, we are unable to celebrate this milestone with the true Somerville Community Sprit. 

Please rest assured we are working on a fabulous plan for a belated celebration in 2021. 

Below is a link to the 1985 Centenary celebration program for your perusal; 


Raelene and I will be at the main gate every day, if you would like to come past and say hi or have a chat, please don’t hesitate.


Have a great weekend.


David Tapp

Acting Principal