Grade 3/4 Students

Celebrating our tremendous Threes and fabulous Fours !

Jaxon3/4A - Ms Yvette and Mrs Hunter

In 3/4A, we have been having a wonderful time bringing our inventions to life! From robots that clean, set the table or cut down and plant trees, to inventions that better our environment like helping animals who have eaten plastic, or a machine that sucks up flood water and disperses it to drought affected areas. Students also enjoyed writing an information report on their invention, as well as a marketing campaign with plenty of catchy and appealing language, hyperbole and big promises! 

Lacey S, Eva C, Eliza M & Mia D
Lacey S, Eva C, Eliza M & Mia D

3/4A have also been loving Garden sessions and rolled up their sleeves to help move soil into the new garden beds. So much teamwork, muscle and energy used!

3/4A working hard!
3/4A working hard!

3/4B - Miss Brook

Invention Advertisements – Jemima, Isla and Emma

In 3/4B, we created inventions using recyclable materials brought in from home. Now that the creation part of our projects is complete, students have moved on to creating an advertisement to sell their product to the public. We will also be creating an information report.

3/4C - Mr Lewis

This week the students have been busy researching information about the Queen. Using their research, they made information posters which have made a wonderful classroom display to honour the legacy of the Queen. The students have also begun drafting their stories to enter the Lily Whitney Short Story Competition.

3/4D - Mr Mitch 

This week in 34D, the students were involved in a collaborative writing task known as Snowball writing. Each student had 15 minutes to create a sizzling start before scrunching up their page and throwing it to another student to finish. This was a fun activity that was exciting for all.

Ana L
Ana L
Jaxon S
Jaxon S

3/4E - Miss Margarita

Our Design and Technology Unit is drawing to a close and it has been so exciting to see the creativity and effort that has gone into the invention projects. Students identified a problem, brainstormed ideas to solve it, refined their ideas and then designed an invention to solve the problem. Part of the project was also writing an information report and creating an ad campaign to go with it. Finally, students built their invention and presented it to the class. Some ideas included kitty litter perfume, robots, pet feeders, lunchboxes to keep your lunch cool, jar openers, devices to keep shampoo out of your eyes and many more! We had such a fantastic time (and I hope parents that helped with making the inventions did too!).