School Activities

Bravehearts Day
Thank you to everyone that wore purple to school for Bravehearts day! As a school community we were able to raise $558.
A special thank you to the workers at Legacy Packing who decided to join in with our fundraising and donated $400 to the cause.
On Thursday 9th September the students at CPS learnt the importance of speaking up and listening to others when they are struggling. Students participated in classroom activities and conversations to understand the importance
Student Wellbeing Officer Jess Bruce says "At our School, we continue to strive to create an environment where students and staff feel comfortable to talk open and honestly about their feelings. R U OK Day is a great reminder to everyone that starting a conversation can change a life"
EMMAC Excursion
Congratulations to 56G for winning this term's EMMAC! A fantastic effort for attendance and ensuring that absences were explained. Students enjoyed an outing to the Cobram Community Cinema to watch Dragon Ball Z and were treated to a popcorn and slushie each.