Student Learning

Senior Spelling Bee
On we held our Senior Spelling Bee. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm of both the participants and the audience watching. Congratulations to those who participated and to our winners!
1st Place - Austin (Year 3)
2nd Place - Olivia (Year 5)
3rd Place - Akirah-Lee(Year 4)
Father's Day Breakfast - The children loved the opportunity to sit down and enjoy breakfast with their dad/special person. Thank you to those that were able to attend.
Cultural - We were lucky to have Julie from the Goulburn Valley Library visit the school and share with us some of her culture and history. Julie read some indigenous stories and the children enjoyed acting out one of the stories 'How the Murray River was made.'
Reading - The children have been busy learning the sound 'ing' and 'ng'. They have also used the strategy 'Chunky Monkey' to chunk words together to help them decode words.
Writing - The children have worked really hard publishing and sending their letters. They have also looked at learning new vocabulary words including clambered, suddenly, and magnificent.
Maths - The students have been focusing on skip count by 2's. The children have also enjoyed working together to constructing a bird's eye map of the school.
AFL Clinic - The children were really excited to take part in the AFL Clinic. They learnt how to kick the ball and participated in some fun football games.
1/2 Writing Celebration
This term 12 students have been developing their writing knowledge through writing narratives. They practised coming up with ideas, word choice, punctuation, handwriting, and sentence structure. After all their hard work they enjoyed sharing their narratives with their peers.
During this term the 1/2's have also been learning about different countries. Each class learnt about a different country.
1/2A - China
1/2B - India
1/2H - Nigeria
1/2S - Italy
We then presented our posters so everyone could learn about all four countries.
1/2 Art
The Grade 1/2 students worked on mixed media art where they incorporated photography into their drawings. Their pictures were used for Father's Day presents.
During book week students read the shortlisted book 'Just One Bee' and learnt all about the important job that bees have in our environment. Over 2 weeks they constructed these gorgeous bees and gardens. Just in time for spring!
3/4 Art
During Art the 3/4 students have been exploring symmetry with butterflies. Students produced some excellent work!
Grade 5/6
5/6 students are thoroughly enjoying open cycle! Students had the choice of partaking in song writing, autobiographies or picture story books. Students have been engaged and creative throughout the whole unit.