What's Happening

Term 3, 2022
Thursday 15th September - EMMAC Excursion
Friday 16th September - Footy Colours Day
Friday 16th September - AFL Clinic
Friday 16th September - Last day of Term 3 - normal finish time 3:20pm
Term 4, 2022
Monday 3rd October - Student Free Day for Staff Professional Development
Tuesday 4th October - Students return to school for Term 4
Monday 10th October - Division Athletics
Friday 14th October - Pre Prep Program Begins
2023 Enrolments
We are now accepting enrolments for 2023. If you have a child due to start Foundation in 2023, or you know another family who does, please collect an enrolment form from the office. School tours are available and encouraged. Please contact the office on 58721374 to book a time.
Pre-Prep Program
We are very excited to begin our Pre-Prep Program in Term 4! Students who will be attending Foundation in 2023 have been invited to come along for 8 sessions at school. These sessions will focus on exposing students to literacy and numeracy programs, and help to develop the fundamental social skills required for a successful entry into the school setting. We have found the program to be very beneficial to our students and assist with a smooth start to their Foundation year.
Sessions will be run on -
- Friday 14th October
- Friday 21st October
- Friday 28th October
- Friday 4th November
- Friday 11th November
- Friday 18th November
- Friday 25th November
- Tuesday 13th December (State-wide Orientation Day)
If you, or any families you know, have a child starting Foundation next year and have not yet enrolled please contact the office to collect enrolment forms and book a spot for the Pre-Prep Program.