Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

SC2 and SC3 Drama WorkshopThursday 8th September
Celebration of Learning EveningTuesday 13th September
Whole School AssemblyFriday 16th September
Last Day of Term 3Friday 16th September

Scotsburn Celebration of Learning

Next Tuesday (13th September), Scotsburn will host our Term 3 Celebration of Learning. This will take place at Scotsburn between 5.30pm and 7.30pm. The purpose of this evening is to provide students with the opportunity to reflect on their goals and learning, celebrating their amazing learning achievements with their parents and carers. It also provides a wonderful opportunity for our parents and carers to get a first hand insight into what their child is getting up to in all areas of their schooling.


Over the night, students and parents will be able to walk in and out of all learning spaces, which will be showcasing lots of different learning that has taken place this term/year. There will also be the opportunity for parents, guardians and students to participate in some interactive activities. 


As you know, all Scotsburn students have worked hard in Art all term to create a pop-up art installation which will glow under 3D lights. We have called this installation our “Glow Garden” and having investigated installations made by other artists, we are now excited to both visit an installation ourselves and also participate in one as artists.  


The campus will be running a BBQ on the night, $2 per sausage. Make sure to come and grab a snag or two!


There has been a great deal of work and preparation put into this celebration, and we would love all families and students to attend, hopefully making it another great Scotsburn Community event. 

Victorian State School Spectacular - GOOD LUCK!!!

We want to wish Liz, Bethany and Kahlan the best of luck as they join the rest of the Buninyong dancers performing at the Victorian State School Spectacular this weekend. We know how much work and preparation has gone onto this event and we can’t wait to see the final product. Thanks so much Liz for all of your hard work and time to allow this experience to go ahead. The students will be forever grateful!

Snow Trip

Good luck to Talia and Lahnea who are off on the Buninyong Snow Trip this week. They have been very excited for quite some time. If you would like to follow how they are going, click on the link below to the blog that is updated each day.

Whole School Assembly on Last Day of Term

On Friday 16th September (last day of term), the Scotsburn Campus will be joining the Buninyong Campus students and staff for an end of term whole school assembly at Buninyong. This means that we will start the day at the Buninyong Campus, meeting in the courtyard at 8.45am. We will then bus back up to Scotsburn at 11am to finish the day as per normal routine. A reminder that school will conclude at 2.30pm for the end of term. 

Enrolments for 2023

If you have a child, or know of someone who has a child to enrol in Prep for 2023, please see Ana for an enrolment form, go to the office at Buninyong or access an enrolment form via our school website. We are excited that in line with the current Department of Education guidelines we are able to provide our Pre-Schooler Program during the fourth term as part of our enrolment process. Once you have returned your enrolment form, you will be sent further information to book your child into the Pre-Schooler Program. Please see Ana if you require further information.

Specialist news

Donations (on loan) needed please!!!!!!!!!!!


If anyone has any artificial grass pieces, we would love to please borrow them for our Glow Garden. Artificial plants would also be amazing too if possible (we won’t put any glow paint on them we promise!!) The other thing we are currently seeking is a large round plastic tub, a bit like a wading pool or a bit smaller to make our pond- and of course some tonic water to put in the pond so the water glows!!! A massive thanks for the tonic water bottles that have already been donated!

Eggs for sale 

1 Dozen $6 or ½ dozen $3

 If you would like to buy fresh free range eggs from Scotsburn please see Dani in SC2.  

SC1 Learning Snapshot

*** Shoe Boxes***

If anyone has any shoe boxes at home, we are in desperate need of some for our dioramas. Can these please be brought in by Thursday. 


In Music, SC1 has been learning about rhythms and playing two different rhythms at the same time as a group. Their latest rhyme was Old Man Daisy. I’m sure they’d love to recite it for you! Students really look forward to this time with Mr Skilbeck and we appreciate his music expertise.

Our focus this week is on money! There has been some great discussion around where money comes from, what we use money for and how we make money. We are learning about ordering money value, how to make money amounts and giving change. With eftpos / card being so prevalent, it is so important for children to be exposed to money and value. Any discussions at home and while shopping will support understanding.


We are nearly at the end of term and students are getting really excited about our reading reward day. All students that have reached 30 nights of reading will be treated to a reward in the last week of term. A big thank you to all parents that have supported their children’s reading at home. 



3/4 Camp

With SC2 away on Camp for the first two days this week, keep an eye out for next week’s newsletter which will be full of photos and reflections. We have heard all students have had an amazing time!

SC3 Learning Snapshot

This week, we have finally been able to publish our Natural Disasters information texts, and haven’t they come up well! Students have done an amazing job to create published pieces that contain key features of information reports, learning lots along the way. These texts will be ready for parents and students to explore at next week’s Celebration of Learning.


During Reading sessions, SC3 have continued to do such a great job connecting their reading to their learning and really thinking deeply about the texts they read, using their reading goals to assist with this. As a class, we have been working lots on our Inferential skills, through checking for clues in the text as well as using our prior knowledge.


Students have loved to infer when reading stories and books with no text.


This week in Maths we are beginning to explore measurement, with us planning to create our own 3-D worlds over the next few weeks. We can’t wait!

Have a great week,


Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Eddy:

Mrs Anderson:

Mrs Morgan:

Mrs Micallef:

The Scotsburn Team