Year 12 Biology

Melbourne Zoo Excursion

During Unit 4 Biology students have been learning all about evolution of humans. To help students visualise this knowledge the students visited Melbourne Zoo to complete the Primate Evolution excursion. The Year 12 Biology students joined a zookeeper to learn all about the different primate species and observe and record the different behaviours these animals displayed they looked at Orangutans, Bolivian Squirrel Monkeys, Lemurs, Gorillas, Siamang and Baboons to gather evidence of physical and behavioural evolution. 


Students then analysed different animal fossils to determine the anatomical differences between primates, hominoids and hominins. Using this information (structural homology) they grouped the different before analysing the DNA of the species to determine the most related species and build a phylogenetic tree.


To finish off the day students were able to explore the zoo and look at all the amazing animals it is home too. 


“My favourite part was seeing the animals that we've learnt about in class and seeing their way of life similarities between us and them and the observing the way they use tools in order to get their food was fascinating. Overall seeing all the different animals was a fun experience” - Siham