Assistant Principal's Report

We have had a busy couple of weeks leading into the holidays. I would like to congratulate the Year 07 students for their commitment to training all term and finally getting the opportunity to compete against the schools in our network. We had great results and all students displayed our school values really well. The sports teams are really working on our school Values when representing the school. It’s amazing to read the reports back from our sports captain reflecting the values on the teams                                     performance.


The GAT was a tough day last week for our VCE students, it is now in 2 parts throughout the day. It was great to see our students tackle this new style of exam with an open mind, and we saw smiling faces of relief when one exam was finished. 


Our students continue to display our values in all that they do here at Macleod, there has been 490 Merits Awards given to our students in acknowledgement this Term, well done.

During the year at Macleod we have been focussing on a school wide positive behaviours approach by developing a Classroom behaviour flowchart and set of expectations that clarify the positive behaviours we want to see at Macleod. 


This approach is used by all staff members, with data to support the development of strategies and practices to build a “positive behaviour culture” that strengthens all students' social and emotional well-being. Our Behaviour flowchart involves a series of steps followed by all teachers, aiming to repeatedly encourage positive behaviour from students. We then emphasise positive behaviours by acknowledging students who demonstrate our Values in their learning through merit awards. 


Coupled with this, our expected behaviours are modelled and taught to support every student’s success in behaviour and learning. Timely communication is an integral component of this approach, so from Monday the 29th August we will be updating our communication protocols to include a notification through the Compass email system each time a student has presented with a Major or Minor behaviour. 


This will assist parents and carers to have conversations at home about making good choices and learning from our experiences.


At Macleod College we are committed to developing the whole person: academically, socially and emotionally, and feel these new communication protocols will strengthen the partnership between Home and School to support student learning and wellbeing, and we thank you for your ongoing support.