School Uniform

Second-Hand Uniform
The Second-hand Uniform shop is keen to have some more items to sell! As we change back to the summer uniform next term, why not take the opportunity over the holidays to go through the wardrobe and clear out those uniform items that no longer fit or not needed any more – we’d appreciate your throw-outs (provided they are good enough for someone else, of course!).
Just put them in a bag, bring them into Reception, and you will be given a form to fill out with your details. When an item is sold, you will receive 70% of the sale price, placed on your student account or, if your child has left the school, put into your listed bank account.
As always, helpers for the shop are needed – this is volunteer run! And next term we will be looking for more helpers, so we can run the Second-Hand Book sale. Please let me know if you would have some time to help out in the first week of December.
Cathie Clarke
0411 883 904