Family Time 

with Claire

Last week we all took time out to appreciate our wonderful hardworking and fabulous Teacher Assistants. Claire is one of our fabulous TAs. Her two youngest girls attend JPII and when I read Claire's words below (and listened to the song she refers to) it literally gave me goosebumps!...........


'One of my favourite TV shows growing up was 'Cheers' (showing my age here) and the theme song has always stayed with me. The chorus sums up what I think JPII does best!'  Claire (mum).


Sometimes you want to go

Where everybody knows your name

And they're always glad you came

You want to be where you can see

Our troubles are all the same

You want to be where everybody knows your name




Family:  Claire, Dayle, Georgia, Daisy and Lottie


Lives in (suburb): We live in Clifton Beach and Georgia lives near the city.


What is your favourite way to spend time with your family?  

I love getting away with my family and camping and spending long summer days at the beach, swimming, rock hopping and beach combing for the elusive cowrie shells.


Number of students attending JPII and their grade:  

Daisy is in Grade 1 and Lottie is in Kindy. 


What made JPII your school of choice for your children and family? 

We moved to JPII during Term 1 of Daisy’s prep year.  We are a neurodivergent family so it was really important to us that our girls went to a school that both valued and embraced neurodiversity.  We hadn’t even left the School carpark following our interview and tour before Daisy asked “Can I start at this School tomorrow?”


What has your JPII experience been like for your children and family?  

The JPII community made us feel welcome from the moment we walked in the door.  

The teachers and teacher assistants have been exceptional.  They have always been available to listen to any concerns we may have and it is evident that they really know who our girls are. 


What is your children's favourite thing about coming to school?  

Lottie’s favourite things are playing with her friends, buddy time with Zoe (Grade 6) and pretending to be a cat and chasing Mr Gill!  Daisy’s favourite things are playing with her friends, Science experiments and riding the bikes.


Claire, you also work at JPII now as a Teachers Assistant and are amazing!  This week it is Teacher Assistant Appreciation Week. What is your favourite thing about being a Teacher Assistant?

Oh wow, so many things!  Firstly, children are wonderful!  I get to spend my day surrounded by children, what a treat!  I have a deep sense of social justice so having the opportunity to nurture and support the learning and development of children in a classroom is really rewarding.  There are few things I love more than the joyful look of achievement on a child’s face.  Not to mention it is fun!  The kids at JPII are warm, caring and incredibly funny!  Some days I am told I look tired and asked why I have grey hair, other times I am told I look 24 and teased for wearing ugly shoes!   JPII is the first school I have ever TA’d at and I can honestly say I love it. 


Lastly, would you recommend JPII to other families and why?  

Yes, of course!  It sounds cheese ball, but we knew within minutes of being in the School that we were exactly where our girls needed to be.  I can’t explain how, but the school, the community has a way of making you feel like you instantly belong.