Student Voice 

with Feuree

This fortnight we welcome Feuree from 

Grade 2 to Student Voice.  


Feuree is a delightful young man who commenced at JPII this year in Ms Woolley's Grade 2 class. He is kind, polite and exudes the meaning of an 'attitude of gratitude' in his everyday school life.


Student Name:  Feuree


Age: 8


Grade: 2


Suburb you live in: 



What grade were you in when you started at JPII?  

Grade 2.


What are your favourite subjects/things to do at school?

I like Science and Maths. I also like Music.


What is your unknown hidden talent?

I can make air come out of my eyes and make my eyes cross eyed!


What do you want to be when you grow up?

A police officer.


Any favourite hobbies or interests?

Building lego with my Pop and collecting Funko Pops.


Favourite staff member and why?

Ms Woolley because she is a good teacher and she laughs a lot.


Most funniest or most memorable experience at school so far?

When we were doing an experiment pushing balls into water. The water went everywhere and everyone laughed.


Three favourite things you like about this school

1. The view from my classroom

2. The playground. The big bike track and the courts.

3. People are kind.


 Any other thoughts you would like to share as a student at JPII?

JPII is a really good school because the people are kind and there's going to be a really cool new hall.