Parish News

Dear Parish Family,


As you may be aware Archbishop Porteous has appointed me as parish priest of the Bellerive-Lindisfarne Parish.  My appointment came into effect from last weekend, 21/22 August.  However due to a number of pre-existing commitments (not least among them are my annual holidays and my mother’s 90th birthday), I will not be taking up residence in Bellerive until the beginning of November.  In the meantime, a number of priests, mainly from the Cathedral Parish, will be supporting the pastoral activity of the parish by celebrating the Masses and other sacraments.


For me there is a certain sense of joy in being able to exercise my ministry in the Bellerive-Lindisfarne Parish.  My first permanent appointment after Ordination was to the then Bellerive Parish with Fr Denis Allen and Fr Robert Kennedy.  I am confident that, all these years later, I will be nourished and strengthened by the deep faith of the members of our parish.  I hope that I can be generous and courageous enough to nurture this faith so that all of us together can come closer to Christ, and make Christ known in our wider community.


I very much look forward to being part of the Bellerive-Lindisfarne Parish community.  Please pray for me so that, among other things, I might heed the wisdom of today’s first reading: be gentle in carrying out your business (Ecclesiasticus 3:17).


Fr Mark Freeman



Father's Day Family Mass


Our recent Mass was also our Father's Day Family Mass. A big thank you to our amazing Family Band, our outstanding readers and everyone who helped with the Father's Day prayers. The young people who led us in actions to the songs did a marvellous job and added much to our prayer.


Pictured at the Father's Day Mass siblings and Grade 5 and Grade 3 students respectively Lilly & Nash Upton