Principal's Message

with Mr Brendan Gill

Principal’s Message

Over the last few weeks, we have focused on the Making Jesus Real theme of having an ‘attitude of gratitude’.  Framing our thoughts and conversations around areas of gratitude helps our students value many aspects of their life, as well as resilience.  One of the easiest ways families can support this is simply by asking children ‘what are you grateful for today?’  Initially this can be slow going, but I have found children quickly adapt to this positive way of thinking.  


Last week was Teacher Assistant Appreciation Week.  Our teacher assistants work day in and day out to improve the lives of our students.  From Morning Fitness, the classroom and Breakfast Club, our teacher assistants care deeply for our students and support their growth.  I am grateful for our teacher assistants.


Enjoy this fortnight's newsletter.


Brendan Gill | Principal