Community News

Extreme Hardship Support Program Information Session
Financial Support for people who cannot access commonwealth income support.
For more information, please click on the below newsletters
VicRoads Learner Permit Test Online (LPTO)
Open the attachment for more information
Variety - The Children's Charity
Clayton District Cricket Club
Springvale Little Athletics
We have big news that Little Athletics is now open to U17's, so anyone born in 2006 is able to participate in our upcoming season. We run competitions Friday nights at Ross Reserve in Noble Park, and season fees includes training sessions. Our sport is about Family, Fun and Fitness and is open to children of all abilities.
There is a come and try day during the holidays Friday 23rd September from 1 till 4pm.
Here is the registration link:
Springvale Little Athletics: Come and Try 2022 (
Kind regards,
Teresa Rumpf
Springvale Little Athletics.
Waverly Gem Club Exhibition Craft and Mineral Show
The Waverley Gem club's Annual Exhibition is held each September on the first weekend of the Victorian school holidays. In 2022, this will be Saturday the 17th and Sunday the 18th of September.
It is held at the Brandon Park Community Centre (Melways Map 71-C8) from 10am to 5.00pm, both days.
About 24 gem (and related) traders are present and offer a very wide range of gemstones, minerals, fossils, jewellery and lapidary tools for sale.
The club members demonstrate various lapidary arts and also offer for sale work they have done.
An EFTPOS machine is available for members of the public buying from club members.