Library News 

COHR Library - The BOOK FAIR was a success!


Student Borrowing - All new books from our successful Book Fair have been catalogued and are available for loan.  Students have been allowed to borrow extra books for the holidays as it's a great time to snuggle up with a good book.  We also receive a subscription of quality Australian literature every month and these books are shared with students and available on our 'new books' shelf for all to peruse.


This week in Library lessons, we have once again caught up with the resident peregrine falcons that live in a high rise building in Melbourne.  Yr 1 - 6 classes read the story - "Peregrines in the City" by Andrew Kelly & Sue Lawson.  This is a newly published book that tells the story of our own peregrine falcons.  In reading and discussions we discovered some new facts and vocabularly about peregrine falcons.  You may like to ask your child the following..?

A male peregrine falcon is called a ..........?

A female peregrine falcon is called a....?

A group of eggs is called a .........?

This year, it is a different female and together with the male there are 4 eggs that have been laid and are now being incubated by both parents.  It is expected that the end of September or very early October the eggs will hatch.  When we are back at school we will be able to follow the progress of the newly hatched eyases!

If you would like to check in and view these peregrine falcons then please click on the below link that is available 24 hours.  There is also a facebook page if interested that you can join too.

Peregrine Falcons at 367 video link

Facebook: 367 Collins Falcons Watchers


STORYBOX LIBRARY - School Subscription

New stories are being added all the time!!

COHR has a subscription for Storybox Library for all our families to enjoy.

Story Box Library
Story Box Library

Access Storybox Library on your Smart TV and enjoy listening to stories on your big screen!

 Log onto Storybox Library and access our school subscription.

 Log in details are.

Username:  cohrstorybox          Password: cohr2020


We look forward to a whole year of reading the many books we have in our library!

Please contact me if you have any questions, queries or suggestions.


Mrs Karen Wakeling